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Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.


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Showing results 8 to 25 of 25

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Aug-2020BTI phenomenon analysis through gate oxide characterizationTesis de doctoradoALEJANDRO CAMPOS CRUZ1-Mar-2021
2009Data modulation technique and modulator/demodulator circuit designs for ultra wideband applicationsTesis de doctoradoGREGORIO VALDOVINOS FIERRO25-Sep-2017
Aug-2009Design and simulation strategies for fractional-N frequency synthesizersTesis de doctoradoVICTOR RODOLFO GONZALEZ DIAZ14-Sep-2017
Jun-2014Design of four-quadrant analog multipliers robust to PVT variationsTesis de maestríaROBERTO RAFAEL FLORES QUINTERO-
May-2007Design-for-Test Techniques for Opens in Undetected Branches in CMOS Latches and Flip-FlopsArtículoANTONIO ZENTENO RAMIREZ; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD; VICTOR HUGO CHAMPAC VILELA19-Feb-2018
Dec-2014Diseño de un ADC SAR de 14 bits para aplicaciones biomédicas robusto a variaciones de proceso y temperaturaTesis de maestríaGISELA DE LA FUENTE CORTES-
17-Oct-2017Diseño de un phase locked loop con una nueva topología de VCO a través de un inductor activo Tesis de maestríaErick Jesús Arenas Mendoza26-Jan-2018
Apr-2015Diseño de un sistema de adquisición de potenciales evocados auditivos utilizando diferentes técnicas de filtradoTesis de maestríaMIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ ROSAS-
Jan-2017EEG signal processing based on stochastic resonanceTesis de doctoradoLUCIO FIDEL REBOLLEDO HERRERA-
2010Efficient dithering in MASH sigma-delta modulators for fractional frequency synthesizersArtículoVICTOR RODOLFO GONZALEZ DIAZ; MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA ANDRADE; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD11-Oct-2018
Jul-2016Inestabilidad debido a polarización y temperatura en circuitos integrados nanométricosTesis de maestríaALEJANDRO CAMPOS CRUZ13-Nov-2017
Nov-2012Integrated circuit generating 3- and 5-scroll attractorsArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD; JOSE MIGUEL ROCHA PEREZ23-May-2021
2012Integration of MOSFET/MIM structures using a CMOS-based technology for pH detection applications with high-sensitivityArtículoJoel Molina Reyes; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD; MARIA TERESA SANZ PASCUAL; Erick Guerrero Rodríguez; BERNI MANOLO PEREZ RAMOS19-Apr-2021
2010Optimized reduction of spur tones in fractional frequency synthesizersArtículoVICTOR RODOLFO GONZALEZ DIAZ; MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA ANDRADE; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD8-Oct-2018
Dec-2010Oscilador controlado por voltaje (VCO) con compensación de proceso, voltaje y temperatura (PVT)Tesis de maestríaOSCAR LOZADA ASCENCIO2-Oct-2017
Aug-2012PVT compensated OTA design on SOI-CMOS nanometer technologiesTesis de maestríaFRANCISCO JAVIER VILLOTA SALAZAR1-Nov-2017
Aug-2012PVT compensated PLL in 45nm SOI-CMOS technologyTesis de maestríaANDRÉS FELIPE AMAYA BELTRÁN25-Oct-2017
Oct-2011Robust to PVT, high DC gain amplifier for CT ΣΔ modulators on SOI CMOS technologyTesis de maestríaHECTOR IVAN GOMEZ ORTIZ18-Oct-2017