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Results 1-10 of 77 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Sep-2009Dynamic holography recording in rubidium vapor Tesis de doctoradoOLENA BENAVIDES13-Sep-2017
Oct-2009A high performance hardware architecture for multilayer spiking neural networksTesis de doctoradoMARCO AURELIO NUÑO MAGANDA21-Sep-2017
Dec-2008A software-radio platform with reconfigurable architecture on MAC layer for security systemsTesis de maestríaIGNACIO ALGREDO BADILLO18-Sep-2017
2008Study of IR un-cooled micro-bolometer arrays based on thim films deposited by plasmaTesis de doctoradoMARIO MORENO MORENO3-Oct-2017
2009Study of luminescence on multiple SRO structures with the posibility to obtain electroluminescenceTesis de doctoradoKARIM MONFIL LEYVA20-Sep-2017
2009Clasificadores rápidos basados en el algoritmo del vecino más similar para datos mezcladosTesis de doctoradoSELENE HERNANDEZ RODRIGUEZ15-Sep-2017
Jan-2009Analog realizations for decomposition and reconstruction of real time signals using the wavelet transformTesis de doctoradoMARCO ANTONIO GURROLA NAVARRO14-Sep-2017
Apr-2008Implantación y difusión de impurezas en silicio de alto índice cristalinoTesis de doctoradoMIGUEL CASTRO LICONA21-Sep-2017
Aug-2008Application of acousto-optical interactions in crystals to performing the spectrum analysis of radio-signals and shaping the multi-wave coupled statesTesis de doctoradoSANDRA ELOISA BALDERAS MATA18-Sep-2017
22-Feb-2008Estructura de bandas de elastómeros colestéricos impresosTesis de doctoradoPAOLA MA. MERCEDES CASTRO GARAY20-Sep-2017
