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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Dec-2007Compositional and structural characterization of silicon nanoparticles embedded in silicon rich oxideArtículoJOSE ALBERTO LUNA LOPEZ; MARIANO ACEVES MIJARES; OLEKSANDR MALIK; JORGE EDUARDO RICKARDS CAMPBELL19-Feb-2018
Dec-2007Spectroscopical analysis of luminescent silicon rich oxide filmsArtículoMARIANO ACEVES MIJARES13-Mar-2018
2007Comparative study between silicon-rich oxide films obtained by LPCVD and PECVDArtículoMARIANO ACEVES MIJARES13-Mar-2018
Mar-2007Optical characterization of silicon rich oxide filmsArtículoMARIANO ACEVES MIJARES; JOSE ALBERTO LUNA LOPEZ13-Mar-2018
2008Characterization of silicon rich oxides with tunable optical band gap on sapphire substrates by photoluminescence, UV/Vis and raman spectroscopyArtículoJOSE ALBERTO LUNA LOPEZ; MARIANO ACEVES MIJARES9-Apr-2018
2009The mechanism of electrical annihilation of conductive paths and charge trapping in silicon-rich oxidesArtículoMARIANO ACEVES MIJARES; JORGE ALBERTO LUNA LOPEZ4-Apr-2018
2008Analysis of surface roughness and its relationship with photoluminescence properties of silicon-rich oxide filmsArtículoJOSE ALBERTO LUNA LOPEZ; ALFREDO MORALES SANCHEZ; MARIANO ACEVES MIJARES9-Apr-2018
2008Charge trapping and de-trapping in Si-nanoparticles embedded in silicon oxide filmsArtículoMARIANO ACEVES MIJARES9-Apr-2018
2008Room temperature quantum tunneling and Coulomb blockade in silicon-rich oxideArtículoZHENRUI YU; MARIANO ACEVES MIJARES; Fuzhong Wang; KARIM MONFIL LEYVA7-May-2018
2008Fabrication and characterization of coplanar waveguides on silicon using a combination of SiO2 and SRO20ArtículoREBECA LEAL ROMERO; IGNACIO ENRIQUE ZALDIVAR HUERTA; MARIA DEL CARMEN MAYA SANCHEZ; MARIANO ACEVES MIJARES; J. APOLINAR REYNOSO HERNANDEZ7-May-2018
