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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
Jul-2011Nonlinear coherent states for the Susskind-Glogower operatorsArtículoRoberto de Jesús León Montiel; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa; FRANCISCO SOTO EGUIBAR13-Feb-2019
2011Solution for the dispersive and dissipative atom-field Hamiltonian under time dependent linear amplification processes.ArtículoHéctor Manuel Moya Cessa13-Feb-2019
Jul-2011Mirror-field-atom interaction: Hamiltonian diagonalizationArtículoDiana Rodríguez Méndez; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa14-Feb-2019
Apr-2011Finite photonic lattices: a solution using characteristic polynomialsArtículoFRANCISCO SOTO EGUIBAR; ARMANDO PEREZ LEIJA; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa14-Feb-2019
11-Aug-2011Generation of airy solitary-like wave beams by acceleration control in inhomogeneous mediaArtículoSABINO CHAVEZ CERDA; ULISES RUIZ CORONA; Víctor Arrizón Peña; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa20-Feb-2019
Sep-2011Classical analogue of displaced Fock states and quantum correlations in Glauber-Fock photonic latticesArtículoARMANDO PEREZ LEIJA; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa4-Mar-2019
2011Classical analogues to quantum nonlinear coherent states in photonic latticesArtículoARMANDO PEREZ LEIJA; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa; FRANCISCO SOTO EGUIBAR4-Mar-2019
17-Oct-2011Solution to the Landau-Zener problem via Susskind-Glogower operatorsArtículoDiana Rodríguez Méndez; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa4-Mar-2019
2011Modeling non-linear coherent states in fiber arrays ArtículoRoberto de Jesús León Montiel; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa4-Mar-2019
2011NOON states in entangled cavitiesArtículoDiana Rodríguez Méndez; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa4-Mar-2019
