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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2008Nonlinear optical correction of the pulse shape from a directly modulated DFB laserArtículoJAIME GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ; EVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS10-May-2018
2008Initial development of supercontinuum in fibers with anomalous dispersion pumped by nanosecond - long pulsesArtículoNIKOLAI KORNEEV ZABELLO; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA10-May-2018
2008High gain erbium-doped fiber amplifier for the investigation of nonlinear processes in fibersArtículoEVGENY KUZIN10-May-2018
2009Step-like all-optical decision function using nonlinear polarisation rotation in a nonlinear optical loop mirror and in a subsequent fibre section with output polarisation selectionArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN18-Jun-2018
2009Large signal-to-noise-ratio enhancement of ultrashort pulsed optical signals using a power-symmetric nonlinear optical loop mirror with output polarisation selectionArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN19-Jun-2018
2009Large amplitude noise reduction in ultrashort pulse trains using a power-symmetric nonlinear optical loop mirror ArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN19-Jun-2018
2009All-fiber passive mode-locked laser to generate ps pulses based in a symmetrical NOLM¹ArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN; MANUEL DURAN SANCHEZ19-Jun-2018
2009High-energy pulses from a figure 8 fiber laser with normal net dispersion¹ArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN21-Jun-2018
2009The use of NOLM for investigations of initial development of supercontinuum in fibers with anomalous dispersion¹ArtículoEVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; MANUEL DURAN SANCHEZ21-Jun-2018
2009Experimental investigation of the extraction of solitons at the initial stage of the soliton formation processArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS21-Jun-2018
