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Results 11-20 of 37 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
1-Dec-2010Submillimeter array identification of the millimeter-selected galaxy SSA22-AzTEC1: a protoquasar in a protocluster?ArtículoDavid Hughes25-Oct-2018
10-Apr-2010Mid-infrared spectroscopy of candidate active galactic nuclei-dominated submillimeter galaxiesArtículoDavid Hughes25-Oct-2018
2010An investigation of the dust content in the galaxy pair NGC 1512/1510 from near-infrared to millimeter wavelengthsArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ29-Oct-2018
10-Mar-2010Unveiling the nature of submillimeter galaxy SXDF 850.6ArtículoDavid Hughes29-Oct-2018
2010The circumnuclear environment of the peculiar galaxy NGC3310ArtículoElena Kirilovsky Terlevich; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO12-Nov-2018
1-Mar-2010On the extreme positive star formation feedback condition in scuba sourcesArtículoSERGIY SILICH; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; Filiberto Hueyotl Zahuantitla12-Nov-2018
10-Jun-2010On the hydrodynamic interplay between a young nuclear starburst and a central supermassive black holeArtículoFiliberto Hueyotl Zahuantitla; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; SERGIY SILICH12-Nov-2018
20-Oct-2011Gas and dust in a submillimeter galaxy at ⱬ = 4.24 from the herschel atlasArtículoItziar Aretxaga; David Hughes28-Aug-2019
2011Abundance determination of multiple star-forming regions in the Hɪɪ galaxy SDSS J165712.75+321141.4ArtículoElena Kirilovsky Terlevich29-Aug-2019
2011AzTEC/ASTE 1.1-mm survey of the AKARI Deep Field South: source catalogue and number countsArtículoItziar Aretxaga; David Hughes29-Aug-2019
