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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2007Study of a Fabrication Process and Characterization of One Dimensional Array of Uncooled Micro-bolometers Based on Germanium Films Deposited by PlasmaArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; ROBERO CARLOS AMBROSIO LAZARO19-Feb-2018
Jan-2007Fabrication and performance comparison of planar and sandwich structures of micro-bolometers with Ge thermo-sensing layerArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; ROBERO CARLOS AMBROSIO LAZARO19-Feb-2018
Dec-2007Fabrication and characterization of un-cooled micro-bolometers based on silicon germanium thin films obtained by low frequency plasma depositionArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME19-Feb-2018
8-Oct-2007Fabrication and characterization of un-cooled micro-bolometers based on silicon germanium thin films obtained by low frequency plasma depositionArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME21-Feb-2018
Jan-2007Study of GeySi1 − y:H films deposited by low frequency plasmaArtículoANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME12-Mar-2018
2008IR sensors based on silicon–germanium–boron alloys deposited by plasma: Fabrication and characterizationArtículoANDREY KOSAREV; MARIO MORENO MORENO; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; CARLOS ZUÑIGA ISLAS19-Apr-2018
2008Comparison of three un-cooled micro-bolometers configurations based on amorphous silicon–germanium thin films deposited by plasmaArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; ROBERO CARLOS AMBROSIO LAZARO19-Apr-2018
2008Noise in different micro-bolometer configurations with Silicon-Germanium thermosensing layerArtículoMARIO MORENO MORENO; ANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; ISMAEL COSME BOLAÑOS23-Apr-2018
2008Boron incorporation and its effect on electronic properties of Ge:H films deposited by LF plasmaArtículoANDREY KOSAREV; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; SALVADOR GALLARDO HERNANDEZ23-Apr-2018
2008Degradation and Breakdown of W–La2O3 Stack after Annealing in N2ArtículoJOEL MOLINA REYES; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; WILFRIDO CALLEJA ARRIAGA26-Apr-2018
