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Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2009An AzTEC 1.1mm survey of the GOODS-N field – II. Multiwavelength identifications and redshift distributionArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes21-Aug-2018
20-Dec-2009Blast: resolving the cosmic submillimeter backgroundArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
2009An expanded very large array search for water megamaser emission in the submm galaxy SMM J16359+6612 AT z = 2.5ArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
2009Blast: a far-infrared measurement of the history of star formationArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
2009Gemini 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+Fe 🇮🇮 QSOs – II. IRAS 04505−2958, an explosive QSO with hypershells and a new scenario for Galaxy formation and galaxy end phaseArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
2009Gemini 3D spectroscopy of BAL + ΙR + Fe 🇮🇮 QSOs – Ι. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in MRK 231ArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
Feb-2010The circumnuclear environment of the peculiar galaxy NGC3310ArtículoELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
2010The AGN fraction of submm-selected galaxies and contributions to the submm/mm-wave extragalactic background lightArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes2-Oct-2018
28-Oct-2010The BLAST 250 μm-selected galaxy population in GOODS-South ArtículoDavid Hughes18-Oct-2018
2010Herschel ATLAS: The cosmic star formation history of quasar host galaxies🟉ArtículoDavid Hughes22-Oct-2018
