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Welcome to our Institutional Repository INAOE!

Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.


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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
23-May-2007Caracterización de un amplificador de fibra dopada con erbio a partir de sus parámetros experimentalesArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; BARTOLO ROBERTO TELLEZ GARCIA5-Mar-2018
2009Experimental investigation of the extraction of solitons at the initial stage of the soliton formation processArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS21-Jun-2018
2010Experimental investigation of the extraction of solitons at the initial stage of the soliton formation processArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS20-Sep-2018
2010Fine adjustment of cavity loss by sagnac loop for a dual wavelength generation¹ArtículoARIEL FLORES ROSAS; EVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA20-Sep-2018
Jan-2010Investigación de la extracción de solitones ópticos empleando un NOLM y su aplicación en el estudio del proceso de formación de solitones en fibras ópticasTesis de doctoradoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ26-Sep-2017
2008Nonlinear optical correction of the pulse shape from a directly modulated DFB laserArtículoJAIME GUTIERREZ GUTIERREZ; EVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS10-May-2018
Dec-2007Optimization of the two-stage single-pump erbium-doped fiber amplifier with high amplification for low frequency nanoscale pulsesArtículoMIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; EVGENY KUZIN; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS22-Feb-2018
2009The use of NOLM for investigations of initial development of supercontinuum in fibers with anomalous dispersion¹ArtículoEVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; BALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; MANUEL DURAN SANCHEZ21-Jun-2018
2008Wavelength-tunable picosecond pulses from a passively mode-locked figure-eight erbium-doped fiber laser with a sagnac fiber filterArtículoBALDEMAR IBARRA ESCAMILLA; EVGENY KUZIN; MIGUEL ANGEL BELLO JIMENEZ; ARIEL FLORES ROSAS10-May-2018