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Mostrando resultados 1 a 20 de 2520

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
may-20240.18 μm CMOS High-Performance LDOs for Low-Power On-Chip ApplicationsTesis de doctoradoAndres Fernando Serrano Reyes11-jun-2024
feb-20193D modelling of near-earth asteroids using lightcurve databaseTesis de maestríaJonatan Michimani4-abr-2019
feb-2014A 0.18μm CMOS internally-compensated low-dropout voltage regulatorTesis de maestríaCARLOS FELIPE VENTURA ARIZMENDI-
feb-2015A 2D simulation methodology for thermo-magnetics effects on tunneling mechanisms of nano-scaled MOS devicesTesis de doctoradoGABRIELA ALEJANDRA RODRIGUEZ RUIZ-
jul-2016A 8-10Gbps 4-PAM transmitter actively terminated with pre-emphasis designTesis de maestríaJESUS ALONZO RODRIGUEZ ORTIZ24-nov-2017
2012A bandpass filter with compact size and extended stopband using closed-loop transmission-lines and short-circuited stubsArtículoJohanny Alberto Escobar Peláez; JOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; Humberto Lobato Morales4-may-2021
2012A Bayesian approach for object classification based on clusters of SIFT local featuresArtículoLeonardo Chang Fernández; Luis Enrique Sucar Succar; Eduardo Francisco Morales Manzanares20-abr-2021
2011A biometric system based on neural networks and SVM using morphological feature extraction from hand-shape imagesArtículoJUAN MANUEL RAMIREZ CORTES; María del Pilar Gómez Gil; VICENTE ALARCON AQUINO; JOSE MIGUEL DAVID BAEZ LOPEZ; ROGERIO ADRIAN ENRIQUEZ CALDERA18-jun-2019
2009A bright submillimeter source in the bullet cluster (1E0657-56) field detected with blastArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes; ALFREDO AGUSTIN MONTAÑA BARBANO22-ago-2018
2008A bright, dust-obscured, millimeter-selected galaxy beyond the bullet cluster (1E0657-56)ArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; DANIEL FERRUSCA RODRIGUEZ; IDALIA HERNANDEZ CURIEL; ALFREDO AGUSTIN MONTAÑA BARBANO4-abr-2018
2007A broadband spectroscopic search for CO line emission in HDF850.1: the brightest submillimetre object in the hubble deep field northArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; ENRIQUE GAZTAÑAGA BALBAS6-mar-2018
ago-2012A catalog of planetary nebula candidates in the Sculptor spiral galaxy NGC300⋆, ⋆ ⋆ArtículoLILIANA HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ13-dic-2019
ene-2021A Causal-Based Consistent Update Approach for Software-Defined NetworksTesis de doctoradoMohamed Amine GUIDARA7-jun-2021
oct-2020A Cellular Evolutionary Algorithm To Tackle Constrained Multiobjective Optimization ProblemsTesis de maestríaCosijopii Garcia-Garcia11-jun-2021
23-mar-2013A classical simulation of nonlinear Jaynes–Cummings and Rabi models in photonic latticesArtículoBLAS MANUEL RODRIGUEZ LARA; FRANCISCO SOTO EGUIBAR; ALEJANDRO ZARATE CARDENAS; Héctor Manuel Moya Cessa12-jul-2021
jun-2013A CMOS automatic gain control design based on piece-wise linear circuitsTesis de doctoradoDAVID MORO FRIAS-
2020A CNN Pilot for Autonomous Drone RacingTesis de maestríaLeticia Oyuki Rojas-Perez14-jun-2021
2011A comparison of dynamic naive Bayesian classifiers and hidden Markov models for gesture recognitionArtículoHECTOR HUGO AVILES ARRIAGA; Luis Enrique Sucar Succar; Luis Alberto Pineda Cortés12-mar-2019
ene-2012A consistent comparison of bias models using observational dataArtículoManolis Plionis13-dic-2019
27-feb-2020A Cryptographic Scheme for Cell Granularity Authenticated Query Processing in Cloud DatabasesTesis de maestríaBruno Ramos Cruz11-jun-2021