Welcome to the Institutional Repository INAOE
Welcome to our Institutional Repository INAOE!
Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Issue Date | Title | Publication Type/ Resource Type | Author(s) | Submit Date |
8-Jul-2022 | Características Generales de las placas astronómicas tomadas con la Cámara Schmidt: Tipos de emulsión, filtros y técnicas fotográficas | Reporte | Raquel Díaz Hernández; NOHEMI SANCHEZ MEDEL | 13-Nov-2023 |
Dec-2022 | Procedimiento para realizar la alineación de la superficie reflectora primaria del Gran Telescopio Milimétrico “Alfonso Serrano” | Reporte | Raquel Díaz Hernández; NOHEMI SANCHEZ MEDEL | 13-Nov-2023 |
Showing results 1 to 2 of 2