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Showing results 1 to 20 of 27

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2011A strategy to measure the dark energy equation of state using the H 🇮🇮 galaxy Hubble function and X-ray active galactic nuclei clustering: preliminary resultsArtículoManolis Plionis; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; Elena Kirilovsky Terlevich; RICARDO CHAVEZ MURILLO15-Oct-2019
Jul-2013Caracterización de galaxias HII con líneas de emisión de perfiles complejosTesis de maestríaDAVID FERNANDEZ ARENAS-
Jul-2010Constraining the dark energy equation of state using alternative cosmic tracersTesis de maestríaRICARDO CHAVEZ MURILLO27-Sep-2017
Oct-2014Constraining the parameter space of the dark energy equation of state using alternative cosmic tracersTesis de doctoradoRICARDO CHAVEZ MURILLO-
3-Jul-2006Determinación de la abundancia primordial de helio a partir de datos del SDSSTesis de maestríaFernando Fabian Rosales-Ortega13-Jan-2020
Mar-2012Determining the Hubble constant using Giant extragalactic HII regions and HII galaxiesArtículoRICARDO CHAVEZ MURILLO; Elena Kirilovsky Terlevich; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; Manolis Plionis6-Dec-2019
Feb-2012Evolution of star-forming dwarf galaxies: characterizing the star formation scenariosArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO13-Dec-2019
Aug-2012Flux-Calibrated Emission-Line Imaging of Extended Sources Using GTC/OSIRIS Tunable Filters¹ArtículoYalia Divakara Mayya; DANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ; OLGA MERCEDES VEGA CASANOVA; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; Elena Kirilovsky Terlevich; Emanuele Bertone; Lino Héctor Rodríguez Merino13-Dec-2019
2009Gemini 3D spectroscopy of BAL + ΙR + Fe 🇮🇮 QSOs – Ι. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in MRK 231ArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
2009Gemini 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+Fe 🇮🇮 QSOs – II. IRAS 04505−2958, an explosive QSO with hypershells and a new scenario for Galaxy formation and galaxy end phaseArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
Feb-2009GEMINI/GMOS search for massive binaries in the ionizing cluster of 30 dorArtículoELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO14-Sep-2018
19-Apr-2013Implications of the kinematical structure of circumnuclear star-forming regions on their derived propertiesArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; Elena Kirilovsky Terlevich14-Sep-2021
2013Integral field spectroscopy of HII regions in M33ArtículoJESUS LOPEZ HERNANDEZ; Elena Kirilovsky Terlevich; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; DANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ23-Oct-2021
2010Integral field spectroscopy of HII region complexes. The outer disk of NGC 6946.ArtículoElena Kirilovsky Terlevich; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO; DANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ12-Nov-2018
2013Integral spectroscopy of HII regions in spiral galaxiesTesis de doctoradoJESUS LEONARDO LOPEZ HERNANDEZ-
2007Kinematics of gas and stars in the circumnuclear starforming ring of NGC3351ArtículoELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO21-Mar-2018
Sep-2012Modelling the composition of a young star cluster ejectaArtículoROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO13-Dec-2019
2007Multiwavelength study of x-ray selected star-forming galaxies within the chandra deep field-southArtículoDANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ; ELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO20-Mar-2018
2008Precision abundance analysis of bright HII galaxiesArtículoELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO10-Apr-2018
May-2018Properties of giant extragalactic HII regions and the Hubble constantTesis de doctoradoDavid Fernández Arenas14-Nov-2019