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Welcome to our Institutional Repository INAOE!

Our repository is a digital platform that contains all our academic, scientific, technological and innovation information, which is linked to the National Repository CONACYT following international standards set out in the Technical Guidelines for the construction of institutional repositories published by CONACYT.


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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2009Chaotic communication system using Chua’s oscillators realized with CCII+sArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; CARLOS SANCHEZ LOPEZ23-Aug-2018
Jan-2012Design of multi–scroll chaotic oscillatorsTesis de doctoradoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA31-Oct-2017
2011Experimental synchronization of multiscroll chaotic attractors using current-feedback operational amplifiersArtículoVíctor Hugo Carbajal Gómez ; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; RODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; CARLOS SANCHEZ LOPEZ; Jesús Manuel Muñoz Pacheco9-Jul-2019
Nov-2012Integrated circuit generating 3- and 5-scroll attractorsArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD; JOSE MIGUEL ROCHA PEREZ23-May-2021
Aug-2013Multiscroll floating gate–based integrated chaotic oscillatorArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE7-Sep-2022
2010N-scroll chaotic attractors from saturated function series employing CCII+sArtículoCarlos Sanchez Lopez; RODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; JESUS MANUEL MUÑOZ PACHECO; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE23-Oct-2018
2010On the relation between the number of scrolls and the lyapunov exponents in PWL-functions-based η-scroll chaotic oscillatorsArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; JESUS MANUEL MUÑOZ PACHECO; CARLOS SANCHEZ LOPEZ24-Oct-2018
Jul-2015Optimización de reguladores de voltaje LDO aplicando algoritmos genéticosTesis de maestríaJESUS LÓPEZ ARREDONDO-
2010Realization of multiscroll chaotic attractors by using current-feedback operational amplifiersArtículoRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA; ESTEBAN TLELO CUAUTLE; CARLOS SANCHEZ LOPEZ; JESUS MANUEL MUÑOZ PACHECO24-Oct-2018
Jul-2008Synthesis of piece-wise linear functions and its application to chaotic oscillatorsTesis de maestríaRODOLFO TREJO GUERRA4-Oct-2017