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Ultrafast optics study of coherent acoustic phonons and carriers in high quality silicon on glass sample
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In this thesis we characterize the carriers and phonons dynamics of a novel Silicon on Glass sample designed and constructed by Corning Inc. with the aim to be used it for photonics and electronics devices. The dynamics of our interest occurs in a very short period of time, in the order of picoseconds and femtoseconds, which becomes the electronics instrumentation obsolete to measure such very fast signals. Therein the reason to use alternative tools such as ultrafast lasers, in real ultrafast optics. Ultrafast optics has allowed developing important ultrafast spectroscopy techniques; in this case we use pump-probe spectroscopy, which allows studying ultrafast phenomena such as carrier and phonons dynamics. Pump-probe spectroscopy is a nondestructive technique which consists on exciting a material with the pump beam, in our particular case, such excitation generates hot carriers, which generates changes in reflectance that are detected by the probe beams as time evolves. Such changes are due to different steps in the process to achieve an equilibrium state; every process step is particular of each material, which produces particular reflectance behavior that allows characterizing the dynamics of such material. In this thesis we provide a theoretical model for carrier dynamics that allows the realization of other important processes such as changes in refraction index, concentration of generated carriers, and relaxation and recombination time constants. The final part of this research consists on the generation and detection of coherent acoustic phonons by the use of pump probe experimental setups, in a similar manner to the one described above, where a pump beam was focused on the aluminum transducer film that we added on the silicon side. We demonstrated that the Al film improves the phonons generation and provides the coherent characteristic to the generated phonons. It is important to notice that we have found quite unusual and interesting phonons. Furthermore, we propose a physical model which allows us to conclude that the created phonon spectrum is finite as a consequence of the temperature conditions when the experiment was done.
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica
Tesis de maestría
Público en general
Magaña-Loaiza O.S.
Versión aceptada
acceptedVersion - Versión aceptada
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría en Óptica

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