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Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2011Half mode microwave filters based on epsilon near zero and mu near zero conceptsArtículoBENJAMIN LOPEZ GARCIA; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ29-Mar-2019
2011New approach to hybrid multiplexer using composite right-left handed linesArtículoTEJINDER KAUR KATARIA; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; Tatsuo Itoh29-Apr-2019
2011Novel compact size bandstop filter with shorted-stub loaded ring resonatorArtículoJOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ29-Apr-2019
2012Miniaturized forced-mode ring resonator with capacitive loadingArtículoALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; JOSE ROBERTO REYES AYONA; JOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES12-Apr-2021
2012A bandpass filter with compact size and extended stopband using closed-loop transmission-lines and short-circuited stubsArtículoJohanny Alberto Escobar Peláez; JOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; Humberto Lobato Morales4-May-2021
May-2013Circular Aperture Slot Antenna With Common-Mode Rejection Filter Based on Defected Ground Structures for Broad BandArtículoEdgar Colín Beltrán; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; José Eduardo Mendoza Torres5-Dec-2021
2013A wideband quadrature power divider/combiner and its application to an improved balanced amplifierArtículoJOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; Humberto Lobato Morales5-Dec-2021
22-May-2013Novel microstrip diplexer for ultra-wide-band (UWB) and wireless LAN (WLAN) bandsArtículoHumberto Lobato Morales; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ; JOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES5-Dec-2021
Oct-2013Microstrip Balanced Bandpass Filter With Compact Size, Extended-Stopband and Common-Mode Noise SuppressionArtículoJOSE LUIS OLVERA CERVANTES; ALONSO CORONA CHAVEZ2-May-2022
