Artículos de Óptica Página de inicio de la colección


Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 224
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
16-feb-2009Zero order synthetic hologram with a sinusoidal phase carrier for generation of multiple beamsArtículoVICTOR MANUEL ARRIZON PEÑA; ULISES RUIZ CORONA; MARIA GUADALUPE MENDEZ VAZQUEZ14-jun-2018
abr-2009Laser line shape recovery system based on a double pixelated axilensArtículoVICTOR MANUEL ARRIZON PEÑA13-jun-2018
1-may-2009Efficient generation of an arbitrary nondiffracting bessel beam employing its phase modulationArtículoVICTOR MANUEL ARRIZON PEÑA; JULIAN DAVID SANCHEZ DE LA LLAVE; ULISES RUIZ CORONA; MARIA GUADALUPE MENDEZ VAZQUEZ13-jun-2018
2008Neither kerr nor thermal nonlinear response of dye doped liquid crystal characterized by the z-scan techniqueArtículoCARLOS GERARDO TREVIÑO PALACIOS; OSCAR BALDOVINO PANTALEON; RUBEN RAMOS GARCIA; MARCELO DAVID ITURBE CASTILLO22-may-2018
2008Differences of silicon photodiode spectral reflectance among the same batchArtículoANA LUZ MUÑOZ ZURITA; ALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV18-may-2018
2010Determining the time–frequency parameters of low-power bright picosecond optical pulses by using the interferometric techniqueArtículoALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; ANA LUZ MUÑOZ ZURITA18-may-2018
2008The existence of five-wave non-collinear acousto-optical weakly coupled statesArtículoALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; SANDRA ELOISA BALDERAS MATA18-may-2018
2008Shaping the dissipative collinear three-wave coupled states in a two-mode medium with a square-law nonlinearity and linear non-optical lossesArtículoALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; SANDRA ELOISA BALDERAS MATA18-may-2018
2009Frequency bandwidth and potential resolution of optical modulators exploiting amulti-phonon light scattering in crystalsArtículoALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; EDUARDO TEPICHIN RODRIGUEZ18-may-2018
2008Adaptive photodetector for assisted talbot effectArtículoPONCIANO RODRIGUEZ MONTERO18-may-2018
mar-2008Impact of velocity distribution assumption on simplified laser speckle imaging equationArtículoJULIO CESAR RAMIREZ SAN JUAN; RUBEN RAMOS GARCIA; ILEANA GUIZAR ITURBIDE; GABRIEL CONSTANTINO MARTINEZ NICONOFF16-may-2018
2008Chemically tuned thin elastomer slabArtículoPAOLA MA. MERCEDES CASTRO GARAY; RUBEN RAMOS GARCIA16-may-2018
2008Transmittance and reflectance of an imprinted cholesteric elastomer during a segregation processArtículoPAOLA MA. MERCEDES CASTRO GARAY; RUBEN RAMOS GARCIA16-may-2018
2008UHU® adhesive holograms replicationArtículoARTURO OLIVARES PEREZ; SANTA TOXQUI LOPEZ; NICOLÁS GRIJALVA ORTIZ11-may-2018
2008Useful transformations: from ion-laser interactions to master equationsArtículoJOSE MANUEL VARGAS MARTINEZ; HECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA11-may-2018
2008Solution of master equations for the anharmonic oscillator interacting with a heat bath and for parametric down conversion processArtículoJOSE MANUEL VARGAS MARTINEZ; OMAR AGUILAR LORETO; HECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA11-may-2018
2008Degree of polarization and quantum-mechanical purityArtículoHECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA; GABRIEL CONSTANTINO MARTINEZ NICONOFF; ARMANDO PEREZ LEIJA11-may-2018
2008Degree of polarization and quantum-mechanical purityArtículoHECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA; GABRIEL CONSTANTINO MARTINEZ NICONOFF; ARMANDO PEREZ LEIJA11-may-2018
2008Rabi oscillations in a quantum dot-cavity system coupled to a non-zero temperature phonon bathArtículoHECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA11-may-2018
2008Unifying distribution functions: some lesser known distributionsArtículoHECTOR MANUEL MOYA CESSA; LUIS RAUL BERRIEL VALDOS; OMAR AGUILAR LORETO; PABLO BARBERIS BLOSTEIN11-may-2018
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de depósito en Descendente orden): 161 a 180 de 224