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Resultados 1431-1440 de 2473.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
jun-2010Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy🟉. VIII. Identification of 44 newly detected hard X–ray sourcesArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN10-oct-2018
10-ago-2010The LICK/SDSS library. I. synthetic index definition and calibrationArtículoMIGUEL CHAVEZ DAGOSTINO10-oct-2018
2010An on-chip magnetic probe based on MOSFET technologyArtículoPEDRO JAVIER GARCIA RAMIREZ; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ11-oct-2018
2010Magneto-modulation of gate leakage current in 65 nm nMOS transistors: Experimental, modeling, and simulation resultsArtículoEDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ; JOEL MOLINA REYES; PEDRO JAVIER GARCIA RAMIREZ11-oct-2018
2010Efficient dithering in MASH sigma-delta modulators for fractional frequency synthesizersArtículoVICTOR RODOLFO GONZALEZ DIAZ; MIGUEL ANGEL GARCIA ANDRADE; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD11-oct-2018
2010The topological conditions: The properties of the pair of conjugate tressArtículoLUIS HERNANDEZ MARTINEZ; LIBRADO ARTURO SARMIENTO REYES; MIGUEL ANGEL GUTIERREZ DE ANDA11-oct-2018
2010Analogue wavelet transform with single biquad stage per scaleArtículoMARCO ANTONIO GURROLA NAVARRO; GUILLERMO ESPINOSA FLORES VERDAD11-oct-2018
2010Observational evidence for the link between the variable optical continuum and the subparsec-scale jet of the radio galaxy 3C 390.3ArtículoJONATHAN FRANCISCO LEON TAVARES; VAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN15-oct-2018
2010Spectral optical monitoring of 3C390.3 in 1995-2007: I. Light curves and flux variation in the continuum and broad linesArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN; LUIS CARRASCO BAZUA15-oct-2018
2010Radio-optical scrutiny of compact AGN: Correlations between properties of pc-scale jets and optical nuclear emission ArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN15-oct-2018

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