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Item hits:

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2007Enrichment of the ISM by metal-rich droplets and the abundance bias in H 🇮🇮 regionsArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; Monica Rodriguez20-Mar-2018
2007The pressure-confined wind of the massive and compact super star cluster M82-A1ArtículoSERGIY SILICH; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE20-Mar-2018
2007Super stellar clusters with a bimodal hydrodynamic solution: an approximate analytic approachArtículoSERGIY SILICH; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE20-Mar-2018
2007On the hydrodynamics of the matter reinserted within superstellar clustersArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; SERGIY SILICH20-Mar-2018
2007Superstellar clusters and supergalactic windsArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; SERGIY SILICH20-Mar-2018
2007Three-dimensional spectroscopy of blue compact galaxies: diagnostic diagramsArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE21-Mar-2018
2008Spherically symmetric accretion onto a black hole at the center of a young stellar clusterArtículoSERGIY SILICH; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; FILIBERTO HUEYOTL ZAHUANTITLA10-Apr-2018
2008Search for blue compact dwarf galaxies during quiescenceArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE10-Apr-2018
2008Two-dimensional hydrodynamic models of super star clusters with a positive star formation feedbackArtículoGUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; SERGIY SILICH10-Apr-2018
1-Aug-2009On the heating efficiency derived from observations of young super star clusters in M82ArtículoSERGIY SILICH; GUILLERMO TENORIO TAGLE; ANA PATRICIA TORRES CAMPOS LICASTRO14-Sep-2018
