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Mostrando resultados 3 a 12 de 12

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
1-jul-2013Classification and environmental properties of X-ray selected point-like sources in the XMM-LSS field⋆ArtículoManolis Plionis1-nov-2021
2010Herschel ATLAS: The cosmic star formation history of quasar host galaxies🟉ArtículoDavid Hughes22-oct-2018
2010Herschel-ATLAS: Blazars in the science demonstration phase field🟉ArtículoDavid Hughes18-oct-2018
2011Interactions, star formation and extended nebulae in SDSS type 2 quasars at 0.3 ≲ z ≲ 0.6.🟉ArtículoAndrew Humphrey22-oct-2019
dic-2011Ionized outflows in SDSS type 2 quasars at z ∼ 0.3–0.6🟉ArtículoAndrew Humphrey22-oct-2019
10-mar-2010Multiwavelength observations of 3C 454.3. III. eighteen months of agile monitoring of the “crazy diamond”ArtículoRaúl Mújica García5-nov-2018
2010Radio-optical scrutiny of compact AGN: Correlations between properties of pc-scale jets and optical nuclear emission ArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN15-oct-2018
ene-2012Radio–Optical–Gamma-Ray properties of MOJAVE AGN detected by Fermi/LAT ⋆ArtículoCLAUDIA JANET AMPARO TORREALBA GARCIA; Vahram Chavushyan21-nov-2019
20-may-2013Reverberation and photoionization estimates of the Broad Line Region Radius in Low-z QuasarsArtículoCASTALIA ALENKA NEGRETE PEÑALOZA7-nov-2021
1-dic-2010Submillimeter array identification of the millimeter-selected galaxy SSA22-AzTEC1: a protoquasar in a protocluster?ArtículoDavid Hughes25-oct-2018