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Comparison of ¹³co line and far-infrared continuum emission as a diagnostic of dust and molecular gas physical conditions: II. The simulations: testing the method
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The reliability of modeling the far-IR continuum to ¹³CO J = 1 → 0 spectral line ratios applied to the Orion clouds (Wall 2006) is tested by applying the models to simulated data. The two-component models are found to give the dustgas temperature difference, ∆T, to within 1 or 2K. However, other parameters like the column density per velocity interval and the gas density can be wrong by an order of magnitude or more. In particular, the density can be systematically underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The overall mass of the clouds is estimated correctly to within a few percent. The one-component models estimate the column density per velocity interval and density within factors of 2 or 3, but their estimates of ∆T can be wrong by 20K. They also underestimate the mass of the clouds by 40-50%. These results may permit us to reliably constrain estimates of the Orion clouds’ physical parameters, based on the real observations of the far-IR continuum and ¹³CO J = 1 → 0 spectral line. Nevertheless, other systematics must be treated first. These include the effects of background/foreground subtraction, effects of the HI component of the ISM, and others. These will be discussed in a future paper (Wall 2006a).
Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society
Público en general
Wall, W. F., (2007). Comparison of ¹³co line and far-infrared continuum emission as a diagnostic of dust and molecular gas physical conditions: II. The simulations: testing the method, Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society, Vol.377(2): 545-555
Versión aceptada
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Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Astrofísica

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