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Molecular gas and dust in the highly magnified z ∼2.8 galaxy behind the Bullet Cluster
Omar López Cruz
Edgar Castillo Domínguez
Héctor Javier Ibarra Medel
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Submillimeter: galaxies
Infrared: galaxies
Cosmology: observations
Gravitational lensing: strong
Context. The gravitational magnification provided by massive galaxy clusters makes it possible to probe the physical conditions in distant galaxies that are of lower luminosity than those in blank fields and likely more representative of the bulk of the high-redshift galaxy population. Aims. We aim to constrain the basic properties of molecular gas in a strongly magnified submm galaxy located behind the massive Bullet Cluster (1E 0657-56). This galaxy (SMMJ0658) is split into three images, with a total magnification factor of almost 100. Methods. We used the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) to search for ¹²CO(1–0) and ¹²CO(3–2) line emission from SMMJ0658. We also used the SABOCA bolometer camera on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope to measure the continuum emission at 350 μm. Results. CO(1–0) and CO(3–2) are detected at 6.8σ and 7.5σ significance when the spectra toward the two brightest images of the galaxy are combined. From the CO(1–0) luminosity we derive a mass of cold molecular gas of (1.8 ± 0.3) × 10⁹ Mꙩ, using the CO to H₂ conversion factor commonly used for luminous infrared galaxies. This is 45 ± 25% of the stellar mass. From the width of the CO lines we derive a dynamical mass within the CO-emitting region L of (1.3 ± 0.4) × 10¹⁰(L/1 kpc) Mꙩ.We refine the redshift determination of SMMJ0658 to z = 2.7793 ± 0.0003. The CO(3–2) to CO(1–0) brightness temperature ratio is 0.56⁺⁰‧²¹₋₀․₁₅, which is similar to the values found in other star-forming galaxies. Continuum emission at 350 μm from SMMJ0658 was detected with SABOCA at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3.6. The flux density is consistent with previous measurements at the same wavelength by the Herschel satellite and BLAST balloon-borne telescope. We study the spectral energy distribution of SMMJ0658 and derive a dust temperature of 33 ± 5 K and a dust mass of 1.1⁺⁰‧⁸₋₀․₃× 10⁷ Mꙩ. Conclusions. SMMJ0658 is one of the least massive submm galaxies discovered so far. As a likely representative of the bulk of the submm galaxy population, it is a prime target for future observations.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Público en general
Johansson, D., et al., (2012), Molecular gas and dust in the highly magnified z ∼2.8 galaxy behind the Bullet Cluster, Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 543(A62):1-10
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