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Resultados 1271-1280 de 2473.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
oct-2009The expanding nebular remnant of the recurrent nova rs ophiuchi (2006). II. modeling of combined hubble space telescope imaging and ground-based spectroscopyArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN; JONATHAN FRANCISCO LEON TAVARES3-sep-2018
2009Accurate classification of 17 AGNs detected with swift/BAT*ArtículoVAHRAM CHAVUSHYAN3-sep-2018
2016Atmospheric water vapor content estimations based on Meteorological Radiosounding DataReporteJOSE EDUARDO MENDOZA TORRES3-sep-2018
2016Sistema de enlace para un transmisor y un receptor para un satélite tipo CANSATReporteANTONIO TECALERO ZALDIVAR; JUAN SALVADOR PALACIOS FONSECA; SUSANA SANCHEZ URRIETA; JOSE EDUARDO MENDOZA TORRES3-sep-2018
2016Diseño y desarrollo de una estación meteorológica con micro-controlador de 8 bitsReporteJACOBO MEZA PEREZ; CELSO GUTIERREZ MARTINEZ; JOSE ALFREDO TORRES FORTIZ3-sep-2018
2016Ray and wave optics relation in nearly regular resonatorsReporteNIKOLAI KORNEEV ZABELLO3-sep-2018
2016Acousto-optical radio-wave spectrometer with parallel multi-channel data processing for astrophysical investigationsReporteALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; MIGUEL Y ROSA MARIA CHAVEZ DAGOSTINO; ADAN OMAR ARELLANES BERNABE; ARTURO AGUIRRE LOPEZ4-sep-2018
2016Calomel acousto-optical cell for spectroscopic applications using noncollinear two-phonon light scatteringReporteALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; ADAN OMAR ARELLANES BERNABE4-sep-2018
2016Potentials for high resolution optical spectral analysis and nonlinear apodization with two-phonon light scattering controlled by elastic waves with linear lossesReporteALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; ADAN OMAR ARELLANES BERNABE4-sep-2018
2016An advanced spectrum analysis of optical signals using the non-collinear three phonon light scatteringReporteALEXANDER SHCHERBAKOV; ADAN OMAR ARELLANES BERNABE4-sep-2018

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