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Resultados 951-960 de 2473.

Resultados por ítem:

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
2008On the design and implementation of a RISC processor extension for the KASUMI encryption algorithmArtículoTOMAS BALDERAS CONTRERAS; RENE ARMANDO CUMPLIDO PARRA; CLAUDIA FEREGRINO URIBE16-mar-2018
oct-2008Design and Implementation of a Non-pipelined MD5 Hardware Architectures using a new functional descriptionArtículoIGNACIO ALGREDO BADILLO; CLAUDIA FEREGRINO URIBE; RENE ARMANDO CUMPLIDO PARRA; MIGUEL MORALES SANDOVAL16-mar-2018
2007Comparison of two types of event Bayesian networks: a case studyArtículoGUSTAVO ARROYO FIGUEROA; LUIS ENRIQUE SUCAR SUCCAR16-mar-2018
2007The localized chemical pollution in ngc 5253 revisited: results from deep echelle spectrophotometry1ArtículoMonica Rodriguez16-mar-2018
2007Keck spectroscopy and spitzer space telescope analysis of the outer disk of the triangulum spiral galaxy M33ArtículoIVANIO PUERARI16-mar-2018
2006The first brown dwarf with a disk in chamaeleon IIArtículoBERTHA ALICIA PORRAS JUAREZ16-mar-2018
2007Variation of galactic bar length with amplitude and density as evidence for bar growth over a hubble timeArtículoIVANIO PUERARI16-mar-2018
2007Thermal emission from H II galaxies: discovering the youngest systemsArtículoDANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ; ELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO20-mar-2018
mar-2008On digital signal processing understanding through simulation and animation toolsArtículoJUAN MANUEL RAMIREZ CORTES; MARIA DEL PILAR GOMEZ GIL; ROGERIO ADRIAN ENRIQUEZ CALDERA20-mar-2018
2007Multiwavelength study of x-ray selected star-forming galaxies within the chandra deep field-southArtículoDANIEL ROSA GONZALEZ; ELENA KIRILOVSKY TERLEVICH; ROBERTO GIOVANNI TERLEVICH AFONSO20-mar-2018

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