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Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2009An AzTEC 1.1mm survey of the GOODS-N field – II. Multiwavelength identifications and redshift distributionArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes21-Aug-2018
2009The AZTEC/SMA interferometric imaging survey of submillimeter-selected high-redshift galaxiesArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ21-Aug-2018
2009AzTEC millimetre survey of the COSMOS field – II. Source count overdensity and correlations with large-scale structureArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes22-Aug-2018
2009A bright submillimeter source in the bullet cluster (1E0657-56) field detected with blastArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes; ALFREDO AGUSTIN MONTAÑA BARBANO22-Aug-2018
2009Over half of the far-infrared background light comes from galaxies at z ≥ 1.2ArtículoITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ; David Hughes22-Aug-2018
2009Spatial correlation between submillimetre and Lyman-α galaxies in the SSA 22 protoclusterArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ22-Aug-2018
20-Dec-2009Blast: correlations in the cosmic far-infrared background at 250, 350, and 500 μm reveal clustering of star-forming galaxiesArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
2009The local far-infrared galaxy colour–luminosity distribution: a reference for BLAST and Herschel/SPIRE submillimetre surveysArtículoDavid Hughes; ITZIAR ARETXAGA MENDEZ13-Sep-2018
20-Dec-2009Blast: resolving the cosmic submillimeter backgroundArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
Aug-2009The blast survey of the vela molecular cloud: physical properties of the dense cores in vela-DArtículoDavid Hughes13-Sep-2018
