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Browsing by Author Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11

Issue DateTitlePublication Type/ Resource TypeAuthor(s)Submit Date
2011Coherent demodulation of microwave signals by using optical heterodyne technique with applications to point to point indoor wireless communications systemsArtículoIgnacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; GUSTAVO AGUAYO RODRIGUEZ; Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza; ARMANDO GREGORIO ROJAS HERNANDEZ23-Aug-2019
14-Feb-2013Experimental transmission in a fiber-radio system using a microwave photonic filter at 2.8 GHzArtículoIgnacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; ALEJANDRO GARCIA JUAREZ; Pablo Hernández Nava; Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza15-Sep-2022
28-Dec-2012Germanium metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors evanescently coupled with upper-level silicon oxynitride dielectric waveguidesArtículoALFONSO TORRES JACOME; Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta13-Sep-2022
2-Jan-2013Indoor propagation modeling for radiating cable systems in the frequency range of 900-2500 MHzArtículoJorge Alberto Seseña Osorio; Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta15-Sep-2022
Jun-2012Method to transmit analog information by using a long distance photonic link with distributed feedback lasers biased in the low laser threshold current regionArtículoIgnacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta24-May-2021
Apr-2012Optical and compositional properties of amorphous silicon-germanium films by plasma processing for integrated photonicsArtículoWilliam Wenceslao Hernández Montero; Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; CARLOS ZUÑIGA ISLAS; ALFONSO TORRES JACOME; CLAUDIA REYES BETANZO24-May-2021
2011Photonic filtering of microwave signals in the frequency range of 0.01-20 GHz using a Fabry-Perot filterArtículoGUSTAVO AGUAYO RODRIGUEZ; Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza23-Aug-2019
2020Propuesta para la reconfiguración de la respuesta en frecuencia y control del ancho de banda de señales microondas pasa-banda mediante técnicas electro-ópticas Tesis de doctoradoLuis Alejandro Gonzalez Mondragon14-Jun-2021
Dec-2013Reflected Power Measurement of Antennas between 0 and 4 GHz using Optical Mixing of Distributed Feedback LasersArtículoALEJANDRO GARCIA JUAREZ; Ignacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza; ARMANDO GREGORIO ROJAS HERNANDEZ23-Sep-2022
5-Nov-2013Transmission system for distribution of video over long-haul optical point-to-point links using a microwave photonic filter in the frequency range of 0.01–10 GHzArtículoIgnacio Enrique Zaldívar Huerta; DIEGO FELIPE PEREZ MONTAÑA; Pablo Hernández Nava; ALEJANDRO GARCIA JUAREZ; Jorge Rodríguez Asomoza; ANA LILIA LEAL CRUZ23-Sep-2022
2018Use of a microwave photonic filter for demonstration of simultaneous bidirectional transmissionTesis de doctoradoAna Gabriela Correa Mena27-Mar-2019