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Mostrando resultados 1 a 12 de 12

Fecha de publicaciónTítuloTipo de publicación/ Tipo de recursoAutor(es)Fecha de depósito
feb-2015A 2D simulation methodology for thermo-magnetics effects on tunneling mechanisms of nano-scaled MOS devicesTesis de doctoradoGABRIELA ALEJANDRA RODRIGUEZ RUIZ-
2010An on-chip magnetic probe based on MOSFET technologyArtículoPEDRO JAVIER GARCIA RAMIREZ; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ11-oct-2018
sep-2013Analysis and simulation of transport and/or transference in nanostructures from the waveguide approximationTesis de maestríaHECTOR MANUEL URIBE VARGAS-
jun-2014Analysis of electromagnetic and quantum effects on low dimensional MOS transistorsTesis de doctoradoVICTOR HUGO VEGA GONZALEZ-
2009Analysis of the impact of the drain-junction tunneling effect on a microwave MOSFET from S-parameter measurementsArtículoEMMANUEL TORRES RIOS; REYDEZEL TORRES TORRES; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ17-jul-2018
2009Analysis of the impact of the drain-junction tunneling effect on a microwave MOSFET from S-parameter measurementsArtículoEMMANUEL TORRES RIOS; REYDEZEL TORRES TORRES; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ24-ago-2018
2008Analytical characterization and modeling of shielded test structures for RF-CMOSArtículoEMMANUEL TORRES RIOS; REYDEZEL TORRES TORRES; ROBERTO STACK MURPHY ARTEAGA; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ24-ago-2018
jul-2017Cálculo de la corriente de tuneleo y el efecto de la temperatura usando la ecuación de Schrodinger. Tesis de maestríaURIEL ALBERTO DIAZ REYNOSO6-nov-2017
feb-2014Effect of drift and diffusion processes in the change of the current direction in a fet transistorTesis de maestríaOSCAR VICENTE HUERTA GONZALEZ-
jun-2014Experimental characterization and analysis of magneto-conductance performance of 28 nm MOSFETsTesis de doctoradoERIKA PONDIGO DE LOS ANGELES-
2010Magneto-modulation of gate leakage current in 65 nm nMOS transistors: Experimental, modeling, and simulation resultsArtículoEDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ; JOEL MOLINA REYES; PEDRO JAVIER GARCIA RAMIREZ11-oct-2018
2009Nonstationary effects of the space charge in semiconductor structuresArtículoABEL GARCIA BARRIENTOS; VOLODYMYR GRIMALSKY; EDMUNDO ANTONIO GUTIERREZ DOMINGUEZ18-jul-2018